
12 Mar 2015

Vidyalaya Sahayak Notification 2015

Vidyalaya Sahayak Notification 2015
Vidyalaya Sahayak Notification 2015
Vidyalaya Sahayak Notification 2015.
Shiksha Sahayak to be recruited as Vidyalaya Sahayak. As government cancel the recruitment of Shiksha Sahayak and re announced a vacancy for Shiksha Sahayak is "Vidyalaya Sahayak".

Chief Minister of Rajasthan Vashundra Raj announced during the completion of one year of his government that the Vidyalaya Sahayak to be Recruited soon.

But Last Few months there is no notification and no Updated in this matter.

Students are waiting for the budget that there will be some announcement regarding Vidyalaya Sahayak recruitment in the budget be unfortunately there is no announcement yet.

A few days ago Shiksha Sahayak Samiti and planned a protest in the capital Jaipur. To address their demand of notification for the Vidyalaya Sahayak as announced by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Vashundra Raj.

As News Published just before the protest of the Shiksha Sahayak Samiti in capital that the recruitment notification in the Vidyalaya Sahayak Notification 2015 will be announced at the end of march 2015.

After that, the student postponed their protest and waiting for the notification of Vidyalaya Sahayak.

The government is expected to publish the notification in end of march and the Rules are made in the recruitment.

Vidyalaya Sahayak
Vidyalaya Sahayak

This time is government is very carefully and making the rules clear so that the vacancy can't be delayed according to rules.

Last time the vacancy of the Shiksha Sahayak was announced and many students fill the form from different districts and then after a dispute regarding bones marks came and matter goes into the court and then in last government has to cancel the vacancy. By all this government earn lots of money in the form of the students, but the government is failing to do complete that vacancy

Now Its a Fresh vacancy with new notification and Rules that is expected to come to the end of the march.

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