Rajasthan government on Friday take a disigen that in the recrutiment process of 3rd greade teachers 2013 state government will give the joining to those who have marks in RTET 60% or more then that. According to some Report only 2.22 lakh students have 60 percent marks or more than that.
This disigen is taken by a comity of state cabinet on Friday 12 DEC 2014. And it is likely to be announced by the Rajasthan CM Vashundra Raj on Saturday 13 DEC 2014.
The exam of 3rd Grade Teachers Recruitment 2013 was happened on 11 oct 2013 last year For the Post of 20.000 teachers of 3rd grade teachers .
Approx 5 lakh students fill the form at that time and All students are still waiting for there Result.
Now expected that Result will come now after a long delay of 15 months . The Result will be declared in different categories.
The list of all candidates will be made according to merit in different categories but the result will be declared of those who have marks 60 percent or more than that in RTET.
Those how have marks less then 60 percent in RTET for that government will wait for the desison of Supreme court.
For all Updates Regarding 3rd Grade Teachers 2013 keep visiting our website.
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